SUNDAYS at 10 am
Worship, Holy Communion, & Hospitality.
At Zion, most of us are actively involved and we invite you to join us however and whenever works best for you and your family. On Sunday mornings, you may like to help prepare for Worship, read the lessons or assist the pastor, or help with hospitality after the service. You may want to lead or to help with some project or ongoing aspect of Zion, such as communications, the cemetery, a children’s program, an outreach or social justice project. You may have some great ideas of your own – you’ll find that the Church Council and members are very open to hearing new ideas for improving and building Zion.
As a church family, on Sundays at Zion we like to celebrate one another’s achievements and milestones. When you have a birthday, anniversary, new job, graduation, whatever, bring a cake or a meal for Hospitality after Worship … we’ll celebrate with you!
Vaughan Mandarin Alliance Church
2nd & 4th Fridays of month 10am-12pm
1st & 3rd Saturdays of month 7pm-9pm
Sundays 3pm-7pm
Fairhavens Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church
Saturdays 7am-7pm
Hungarian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Toronto
1st Sunday monthly September-June 1pm-3pm